How to run Uniswap locally?

Clone the Uniswap repo, install dependencies, configure environment variables, and start the local server using npm or Yarn.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Required Tools and Software for Running Uniswap Locally

To run Uniswap locally, you’ll need the following:

  • Node.js: Essential for running JavaScript on your server.
  • Git: Used to clone the Uniswap repository and manage code changes.
  • Yarn or npm: Package managers for installing dependencies.
  • Text Editor or IDE: Tools like Visual Studio Code for coding and debugging.

Installing Node.js, Git, and Other Dependencies

Here’s how to install the necessary tools:

  • Install Node.js: Download from the Node.js official website, install, and verify with node -v.
  • Install Git: Download from the Git official website, install, and verify with git --version.
  • Install Yarn or npm: Use npm install -g yarn to install Yarn, or use npm (already bundled with Node.js). Verify with yarn -v or npm -v.
  • Set Up Your Text Editor: Download and customize a text editor like Visual Studio Code.

Cloning the Uniswap Repository

How to Clone the Uniswap GitHub Repository

Cloning the Uniswap repository is the first step to running the project locally. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Access the Repository: Visit the official Uniswap GitHub repository at
  • Copy the Repository URL: On the repository page, click the “Code” button, and copy the HTTPS URL provided.
  • Open Your Terminal: Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
  • Run the Clone Command: Use the command git clone <repository_url>, replacing <repository_url> with the URL you copied. For example: git clone
  • Navigate to the Project Directory: After cloning, navigate into the newly created directory using cd uniswap-interface or the respective folder name.

Understanding the Project Structure and Files

Once you’ve cloned the Uniswap repository, it’s important to understand the project structure and key files:

  • src/ Directory: Contains the source code for the Uniswap interface, including components, hooks, and utility functions.
    • components/: Reusable UI components used throughout the Uniswap interface.
    • hooks/: Custom React hooks that manage state and logic for the application.
    • pages/: The main application pages, such as the Swap interface, Pool interface, etc.
  • public/ Directory: Houses static files such as images, fonts, and the index.html file, which serves as the entry point for the web application.
  • package.json: Defines the project dependencies, scripts, and configuration. This file is crucial for managing the project’s environment and automating tasks like starting the development server.
  • Provides an overview of the project, including setup instructions, contributing guidelines, and other essential information.
  • .env.example: An example environment file that outlines the necessary environment variables. You’ll need to create a .env file based on this template to configure your local environment.

Installing Dependencies for Uniswap

Running npm or Yarn to Install Project Dependencies

After cloning the Uniswap repository, the next step is to install the necessary dependencies to run the project locally. Here’s how to do it:

  • Navigate to the Project Directory: Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where the Uniswap project was cloned using cd uniswap-interface or the respective directory name.
  • Install Dependencies with Yarn: If you’re using Yarn, run the command yarn install. This will download and install all the required dependencies listed in the package.json file.
  • Install Dependencies with npm: If you prefer npm, simply run npm install. This command will also download and install the project’s dependencies.

Both commands will create a node_modules/ directory in your project folder, where all the installed packages and dependencies will be stored.

Resolving Common Issues During Dependency Installation

Sometimes, issues can arise during the installation of dependencies. Here are common problems and their solutions:

  • Version Conflicts: If you encounter errors related to package version conflicts, try updating the package or using an alternative version. You can run yarn upgrade or npm update to resolve these conflicts.
  • Network Issues: Slow or failed installations might be due to network problems. Try using a different network or adding a .npmrc file with a custom registry, like, to bypass issues.
  • Permission Errors: If you receive permission-related errors, avoid using sudo to install dependencies globally. Instead, fix the permissions on your local npm/yarn setup by following the official documentation or using tools like nvm to manage Node.js versions without requiring elevated permissions.
  • Outdated Node.js or npm/Yarn: Ensure that you have the latest version of Node.js and your package manager (npm or Yarn). Update them if necessary by downloading the latest versions from their official websites or using a version manager like nvm.

Configuring Environment Variables

Setting Up Environment Variables for Local Development

To run Uniswap locally, you need to configure environment variables that tailor the application to your development setup. These variables are typically stored in a .env file within the project’s root directory.

Steps to set up your environment variables:

  • Create a .env File: In the root directory of the Uniswap project, create a new file named .env.
  • Use .env.example as a Template: If the project includes a .env.example file, copy its contents into your .env file.
  • Customize the Variables: Update the values in the .env file to match your local development environment. These values could include API keys, network settings, and other configurations specific to your setup.

Understanding the Configuration Options and Their Roles

Each environment variable plays a specific role in how Uniswap functions in your local environment:

  • Network URL: Specifies the Ethereum node URL that Uniswap will connect to. This determines the blockchain network (e.g., Mainnet, Ropsten) your application interacts with.
  • Chain ID: Identifies the blockchain network ID, ensuring your application communicates with the correct network (e.g., Ethereum Mainnet or a testnet).
  • WalletConnect Project ID: Used for integrating WalletConnect, allowing users to connect their wallets to Uniswap.
  • Infura Project ID: If using Infura, this variable stores your unique project ID to connect to Ethereum nodes securely.
  • Debug Mode: Enabling this setting allows for detailed logging and debugging information, which is useful during development.

Running Uniswap Locally

Starting the Uniswap Interface on Your Local Machine

Once you’ve configured your environment variables and installed all dependencies, you’re ready to start the Uniswap interface locally. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open Your Terminal: Navigate to the directory where the Uniswap project is located.
  • Start the Development Server: Run the appropriate command (typically yarn start or npm start) to launch the development server. This will compile the project and start the Uniswap interface on your local machine.
  • Monitor the Build Process: The terminal will display messages as the development server compiles the project. Once the process is complete, it will indicate that the server is running and provide the local URL where Uniswap can be accessed.

Accessing the Local Instance of Uniswap in Your Browser

After successfully starting the development server, you can access the Uniswap interface in your browser:

  • Open a Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
  • Enter the Local URL: In the browser’s address bar, enter the local URL provided by the development server, typically http://localhost:3000.
  • Interact with Uniswap: Once the page loads, you’ll see the Uniswap interface running on your local machine. From here, you can interact with it just as you would with the live version, allowing you to test changes, debug, or explore the codebase.

Testing and Debugging Your Local Uniswap Instance

How to Test Your Local Uniswap Setup

After running Uniswap locally, it’s important to test the setup to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Here’s how to do it:

  • Check Basic Functionality: Start by interacting with the Uniswap interface on your local machine. Test core features such as swapping tokens, connecting a wallet, and viewing token balances to ensure they work as expected.
  • Use Mock Data: If you’re working in a development environment that doesn’t connect to the mainnet, use mock data or connect to a testnet like Ropsten. This allows you to simulate real interactions without risking real assets.
  • Run Automated Tests: If the project includes automated tests, execute them using commands like yarn test or npm test. These tests will check various parts of the application for expected behavior.
  • Check for Console Errors: Open the browser’s developer console (usually accessible via F12 or right-click > Inspect > Console) and look for any errors or warnings that appear as you interact with the interface.

Troubleshooting Common Errors and Debugging Tips

If you encounter issues while running Uniswap locally, here are some common problems and debugging tips:

  • Compilation Errors: If the development server fails to start or shows errors, check the terminal output for specific error messages. Often, these errors are related to missing dependencies or syntax issues in the code. Ensure all dependencies are installed correctly and that your code is free of syntax errors.
  • Network Issues: If the Uniswap interface isn’t interacting correctly with the blockchain, verify that your environment variables are set up properly. Make sure the network URL and chain ID are correct and that your local instance is connected to the desired network.
  • Missing Environment Variables: If certain features aren’t working, double-check that all required environment variables are set in your .env file. Missing or incorrect variables can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • UI Bugs: For user interface issues, inspect the HTML and CSS in your browser’s developer tools to identify layout problems or broken elements. Adjust the relevant code and reload the interface to see if the issue is resolved.
  • Performance Issues: If the local instance is running slowly, ensure that your machine has enough resources to handle the development server. Close unnecessary applications or processes and consider increasing the memory allocation for Node.js.

Contributing to Uniswap Development

How to Make Changes and Contribute to the Uniswap Codebase

Contributing to the Uniswap project involves making thoughtful changes to the codebase and ensuring those changes align with the project’s goals and standards. Here’s how to get started:

  • Fork the Repository: Start by forking the Uniswap repository on GitHub to your personal GitHub account. This creates a copy of the project where you can make changes without affecting the original repository.
  • Clone Your Fork Locally: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using git clone <your-fork-url>. This allows you to work on the project locally.
  • Create a New Branch: Before making any changes, create a new branch in your local repository using git checkout -b <branch-name>. Choose a branch name that reflects the purpose of your changes, such as feature/add-new-token-support.
  • Make Your Changes: Edit the code in your new branch to implement your desired features, bug fixes, or improvements. Ensure your code adheres to the project’s coding standards and practices.
  • Test Your Changes: Thoroughly test your changes locally to ensure they work as expected without introducing new bugs. Use automated tests if available and consider adding new tests for your changes.
  • Commit Your Changes: Once satisfied, commit your changes with a clear and descriptive commit message using git commit -m "Description of the changes".
  • Push to Your Fork: Push your branch to your forked repository on GitHub using git push origin <branch-name>.

Submitting Pull Requests and Engaging with the Uniswap Community

After making and testing your changes, the next step is to contribute them back to the main Uniswap project:

  • Open a Pull Request (PR): Navigate to the original Uniswap repository on GitHub and click on the “New pull request” button. Compare your branch to the upstream repository’s main branch and submit the PR. Include a detailed description of your changes, the problem they solve, and any relevant information that reviewers might need.
  • Follow Contribution Guidelines: Ensure your pull request adheres to the project’s contribution guidelines. This might include specific formatting for commit messages, code style requirements, or testing protocols. Review the contributing guide in the repository for detailed instructions.
  • Engage with Reviewers: Once your PR is submitted, Uniswap maintainers or other community members may review your code. Be responsive to feedback, make requested changes, and engage in discussions to clarify your approach or understand the reviewer’s perspective.
  • Participate in the Community: Beyond submitting PRs, consider getting involved in the broader Uniswap community. Join discussions on GitHub issues, participate in Uniswap’s Discord channels, or contribute to community forums. Engaging with the community can provide valuable insights, help you stay informed about project priorities, and connect you with other developers.
  • Stay Updated: Keep your fork and local repository updated with the latest changes from the upstream repository. This ensures your contributions remain relevant and minimizes conflicts when merging your changes.

What tools are required to run Uniswap locally?

You'll need Node.js, Git, and either npm or Yarn installed on your machine.  

How do I configure environment variables for Uniswap?

Create a .env file in the project root, copying settings from .env.example, and adjust values as needed.  

How do I start the Uniswap development server?

Navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run npm start or yarn start to launch the server.  
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